2. Invitation to submit thesis and dissertations for publication

1.    Special Journal of Public Health, Nutrition, and Dietetics submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here  
2.    Special Journal of Open Research and Reviews submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here  
3.    Special Parasites Pathogens Journal |Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
4.    Special Journal of Computer Innovations and Bioinformatics Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here 
5.    Special Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics  Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
6.    Special bacterial Pathogens Journal Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
7.    Special Journal of Geology, Ecology and Climate change Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here 
8.      Special Journal of Anatomy and Physiology Research Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
9.    Special Journal of Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Herbal Research Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
10.  Special Journal of Pathology, Immunology, and Cancer Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
11.  Special Journal of Laws, Ethics, and Religion Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
12.  Special Journal of Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, & Statistics Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
13.  Special Fungal Pathogens Journal  Submit Thesis/Dissertation Here
14.  Special viral Pathogens Journal  Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
15.  Special Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Disease Markers Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
16.  Special Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry Innovations Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
17.  Special Journal of Politics and Economic Sustainability Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
18.  Special Pathogens Review-Journal Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
19.  Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Here
20.  Special Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Education  Submit your Thesis/DissertationHere  
